Take Your Inner Healing to the Next Level by Harmonizing The Power of Your Masculine Mind & The Brilliance of Your Feminine Body Using...
The 5 Pillars of Femininity
Yes, having a healthy mindset is a crucial part of overcoming the patterns keeping you stuck living in masculine survival mode and overcoming their overwhelming emotional consequence. But it’s only HALF of the equation.
Without allowing the healing brilliance of your feminine body to emerge, you’ll always be stuck in the spiral of stress, overwhelm, exhaustion, anxiety, people-pleasing, and feeling like you’re never enough.

From: Paige Lea
Where: Nashville, TN
Dear Woman,
Despite what you may be thinking right now, you are NOT broken. No matter what you've been told or had to experience.
You are a radiant, feminine being. Your sparkle for life has just been covered up by the dusty accumlation of life's sometimes painful reality. You deserve to feel the freedom of real healing.
The trouble is, like most women, you’ve had to suppress your feminine energy to protect yourself and just "keep pushing through".
But these hardened layers of masculine protection sever you from your feminine spirit and embodying the woman you really are. Â
As a result, your constant efforts to control your environments and “fix” yourself, your body, your marriage, your image…

They don’t work. They keep you stuck in a suffocating spiral that makes you feel stressed, overwhelmed, and disconnected from your yourself, your partner, your parenting, and other important relationships.
You’ve probably tried adopting mindset shifts, going to talk therapy, and incorporating more self-care practices. Or, maybe you’ve tried to feel better about yourself by dressing more feminine, or attempting to open yourself up to be vulnerable, and other practices to gain more confidence as a woman.
And yet, you still feel misunderstood, empty, let down, and stuck in repetative relationship dynamics.
The BIG Secret to Beginning the Healing Process!
The truth is... You can’t rely on trendy mindset work, talk therapy, and self-care tactics alone.
If you want to feel at peace, relaxed, worthy, confident, beautiful, valued, loved, and connected to yourself and your romantic partnership…
The secret is hidden inside your body!
Relying on mindset alone is only HALF the equation.
Though it may all sound a little woo-woo…
The interlinked power of mind and body that leads to a process of real healing is supported by science and documented by many specialists in the field, including Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.
As a pioneering researcher and one of the world’s foremost experts on traumatic stress, he has developed significant studies over 30 years to discover the truth about how the brain, the nervous system, and the emotional body all play a crucial role when it comes to finding real healing.
Dr. Kolk has shown again and again that, despite popular opinion, it is your body that keeps the score in matters of healing unprocessed trauma.
In fact, it was Charles Darwin who first discovered that…Â
The mind-body connection is controlled by the vagus nerve...
…which is a major nerve that controls specific body functions such as digestion, heart rate, immune system, and your gut.
But the vagus nerve gets triggered by your mind and thought processing. It happens when your brain is strongly excited (which can happen for a number of reasons), especially when your mind perceives a threat or something that mimics past experiences of trauma.
Since the mind and body are so closely linked when traumatic events occurs, you need healing strategies that tap into your feminine body’s enormous, and brilliant, healing potential so you can finally begin experiencing results of the inner healing process.
How to Get Body and Mind to Harmonize So You Can Begin the Healing Process.
The Surrender Program is a complete healing system. In this program, you’ll gain a genuine connection with your feminine body that supports the divine evolution (and, awakening) of your feminine spirit with each passing day.
This is the exact system I used… and continue to use… to embody my healing feminine energy. I developed this program from my own personal experience. And I am now teaching this system to women all over the world.
So now, let me tell you about what you’ll experience inside…

Here’s What You’ll Experience
During Our 12 Weeks Together…
Surrender is a 12-week, guided coaching program complete with lifetime access to deep weekly video trainings.
You will become part of a group of women all on a journey toward healing and built on deep bonds and support for one another through the 5 Pillars of Femininity.
Throughout your 12 weeks, in addition to your video trainings, you will find sections focusing on "Exploration + Integration." This is where you will find a consolidated list of suggested action items for each pillar. As you follow through, these action items will allow you to integrate what you are learning step-by-step.
Upon enrollment, you will have been granted access to the Group Call Schedule and Recording Archives for you to mark your calendar for upcoming LIVE Q+A Calls and to access all current and past group call recordings throughout the entire duration of your program.Â
Surrender invites the brilliance of your feminine body to safely emerge so you can leverage it as a powerful healer of trauma, leading to deep satisfaction, love, and joy as you’ve never felt before.
You will discover how to surrender to the intuitive feminine healing salve within you. You won’t have to suppress it, hide it, or feel ashamed of it anymore. Rather, it will empower you as you firmly root your life in the 5 Pillars of Femininity.
What Are the 5 Pillars of Femininity?
And How Will They Help Me Being Healing?
The 12 weeks of video training inside the Surrender program will cover the 5 Pillars of Femininity.
Each of these pillars will expand your ability to follow the feminine healing path and experience real change, real freedom, and resilient feelings of healing.
Here’s what you’ll discover in each of the 5 Pillars…

Surrender: A Healthy Feminine Embodiment
As we embark on our journey together, the most important thing you must first learn is to redefine the word “Surrender.” It’s NOT giving up, giving in, weakness, or any form of blind submission. The true feminine embodiment of Surrender is about acceptance, inspiration, receptivity, compassion, freedom, and intentionally flowing with an openess to exploring the depths of life and who you are as a woman.
In these foundational videos, you will begin to identify your true feminine spirit and how to access it. You’ll also discover…
- The true definition of “feminine energy” and how shame, the media, culture, and generational trauma keeps you from its access it's healing power.
- A woman’s greatest emotional enemy that cripples growth and stunts your ability to heal and find the freedom you crave.
- How fear keeps you from harnessing your natural feminine spirit of inspiration and acceptance.
- A simple way to self-assess your embodiment of  Surrender. HINT: part of this is a result of your openness to receive help and support from others
- Why living from a state of surrender and a state of control cannot exist at the same time.
- How your highly-protective masculine instincts stand in the way of experiencing the freedom of feminine healing… providing a false sense of security.
- The surprising truth behind passive tendencies and patterns of avoidance.Â
Somatic Healing Practices for Release
“Somatic” refers to your body and "Healing" is the process of becoming healthy again. Throughout Pillar #2, you will discover how to attune to your body to begin a deeper internal healing process, without relying solely on strategies to shift your mind. You will find harmony between the many dimensions of your body: physicaly, mental, spiritual, and emotional.
As the body begins to speak, you’ll learn how to listen with honesty, compassion, and acceptance.
You’ll embody Somatic Healing by discovering…
- How to release low-worth narratives to finally love yourself exactly just as you are right now.
- How your body alerts you in environments where you feel unsafe and why you’ll never heal while disconnected from your emotional body.
- Why you will NEVER be able to truly begin healing without consistent Somatic Healing practices.
- How to learn the language of your body and listen for it's desperate calls for help and healing.
- Why pretending you’re not hurt can stunt your healing process and go 10 times slower.
- Wounded aspects of masculine and feminine energies and how they reveals just how loud your unmet needs have become.
- How unprocessed trauma impacts your DNA and has shaped your current patterns of protection and survival.
- 3 behaviors that prove your body is desperately begging for your help with it's healing.
- How culture and generational trauma extinguished your feminine spirit making it almost as if you’ve become "the man of the house" living in a woman’s body.
- How to see your emotions as allies and that anger, sadness, and anxiety can lead to an outpouring of peace, love, and joy.
A Sacred Space for Deep Healing
In Pillar #3, you’ll create a sacred space, just for you, to connect to all parts of your your feminine spirit. A space to feel, release, create, flow, breathe, and simply be. Without such a space, it will be nearly impossible to tap into your life-giving feminine energy.Â
As you proceed through Pillar #3, you’ll discover…
- The KEY practices for embodying the full spectrum of your feminine energy.
- 6 ways to engage your senses so you can keep yourself feeling grounded and regulated in the present moment… escaping worry, worst-case scenarios, and “what if’s.”
- 4 foundational journaling practices to deepen your connection to your feelings and emotions.
- My favorite “guided” meditation expert who helps me re-wire my brain with science-based meditations.
- The best time to practice grounding exercises and centering techniques to best support your emotional body.
- How to overcome the shame and pain of looking in the mirror and how to use the mirror as a tool to begin the process of deeper personal healing.
- How to use creativity to connect to your feminine nature… even if you don’t have an artistic bone in your body.
- How having your sacred space translates into a healthy, joy-filled relationship built on emotional security and deep trust.
Myths & Truths of Women's Sexuality
Many women report experiencing narratives that their body is "dirty" or "wrong" based upon exchanges from childhood and past relationships. But the truth is most women are not properly taught about the sacredness of their body and their sexuality as a result. It’s time for you to feel proud of your body, proud of its sacred nature, and to find loving awareness for the heart of what makes you a woman.
In Pillar #4, you’ll discover…
- How to leverage the divinity and purity of sensual feminine expression without abandoning your deepest beliefs and values.
- How to gently peel back the layers of shame around your sexuality to re-discover this important aspect of feminine womanhood.
- How to unlock the cage most women put on their authentic, sensual expression in response to culture, societal normals, and unprocessed trauma about women's sexuality.
- The self-discovery method to unleash a much deeper sexual connection with your partner.
- 3 harmful beliefs keeping you from stepping into the healing potential of reclaiming your feminine sexuality.
- How to find deep l ve and self-compassion to release sexual traumas from your past.
- Why and How many women don’t even realize they have experienced sexual trauma.
- How to connect to your healthy sexual energy and use it to access deeper feminine healing to experience joy and pleasure like never before.
Awaken your Spirit with Feminine Style
Finally, in Pillar #5, you will discover how to embody a syle that aligns with your newly awakened feminine spirit. As you do, you will feel hidden parts of yourself come alive in a much more colorful, meaningful, and and empowering way… a way you may not have felt since childhood, if ever at all. These teachings encourage a deeper relationship with you by harmonizing what's within you with what's outside of you.Â
You’ll also discover…
- How unprocessed trauma reveals itself in your current wardrobe.
- How the narratives of society and cultural norms impact your wardrobe decisions turning it into a potential weapon of worthlessness.
- How to create a wardrobe that’s suitable for your lifestyle while still feeling connected to your authentic feminine spirit.
- How to feel more confident in your style, which leads to feeling more confident in your body.
- How the pain of body shame and negative body image goes far beyond weight and body shape how suffocating it is to your feminine spirit.
- How to discover your ideal feminine style so you can feel beautiful, playful, sexy, put together, and confident every time you adorn your beautiful body.
- A freeing “wardrobe edit” process to help you release clothing you've been holding onto for ages, that deep down you know, you’ll never wear again and is only sabotaging your healing.
- How to embody feminine creativity to easily create more outfit possibilites as an empowring form of body celebration.

Plus, When You Enroll, You Get These
5Â FREE Bonuses!
Bonus #1:
A 1-on-1 Welcome Call with Paige
Celebrate with me during a private, 1-on-1 call so you feel supported and are sure you know how to find your way around the program.Â
($250 Value)
Bonus #2:
5 Video Lessons with Master Polarity Coach David Lea
In each of these bonus videos lessons... one for each pillar... you will discover an empowering masculine perspective from my husband and expert coach, David Lea.Â
($500 Value)
Bonus #3:
Harmonizing Your Romantic Partnership Video Course
In this Bonus Course you will discover how to harmonize your healing with your partner and best practices for growing and navigating through the highs and lows of the healing journey together.Â
($1,500 Value)
Bonus #4:
100+ Page Printable Surrender Workbook
Get written-out lessons, space for journaling, and visual aids to accompany our 12-week video-learning experience and help the learning sink in deeply.Â
Bonus #5:
3 Ways to Heal the Feminine Body with Food Mini-Course
In this quick, info-packed mini-course you'll learn exactly how to nourish your feminine body with nutrition and hydration practices that best support inner feminine healing.Â
($250 Value)
"For the first time, I feel like the woman I was created to be!"
What Is Healing Really Worth?
So many women are desperately looking for help with inner healing.
It’s so easy to spend $100 - $200 a month mindset courses, self-development books, and other self-care regimens.
And what about the $200 - $300 a month it takes to get mental health support or go to talk therapy… or BOTH?
Then there are the co-pays and over-the-counter remedies for stress-related illnesses (because your body is revolting) that aren’t getting to the root of the problem.
Over the course of a year, you could easily spend $5,000, $6,000, $7,000, or more.
But when you enroll in Surrender today , you’ll spend only $1,697 ONCE… instead of paying the same $5,000 or $7,000 year after year.
When you follow this program, not only will you have the peace, purpose, and deep healing you’ve been looking for… you’ll save a great deal of money and actually get to the root of your imbalances so you feel supported and equipped for years to come.
If you could wave a magic wand…
If you could make all your past trauma, anxiety, overwhelm, relationship struggles, trust issues, jealousy, sadness, and self-doubt disappear…Â
What would that be worth to you?
I wish I did have such a magic wand. I would use it to help heal women from every walk of life in an instant.
Unfortunately, it does not exist.
But there is a real path to begin the healing process and feel the love and happiness you deserve.
As you apply what you learn during our 12 weeks together...
You will find something you've
been looking for, for a long time!
You will find you!
The fullness of who you are as a feminine spirit will emerge in a way that will release emotional stagnancy from the body, break cycles of generational trauma, and compassionately repattern the very things that keep you stuck in the chaotic energetic state in which you reside right now.
How long are you willing to continue living in this pain?
Isn’t it time to start feeling real relief and finding a path to actual healing?
Click the button below to begin the journey to healing.
It’s time to reclaim the wise, intuitive, healing feminine energy within you.
I guarantee that, if you do the work in the Surrender program, you WILL begin to feel the healing happening within, which inspires a beautiful ripple effect to everything happening around you.
And you can continue to use these healing tools for the rest of your life, so that you can always build a more stable foundation as you continue to stand taller in your soul's truth.
And, if you’re not sure you’re ready to enroll without chatting with me privately, let’s talk.
Simply reach out to me at [email protected], and we will schedule a time to chat. I want you to feel fully aligned with this decision. And I want you to know and feel just how much I am here for you and that I will walk hand-in-hand with you on this journey.
It's Time to Decide...
How long are you willing to wait to find the healing you crave?
Are you doomed to remain closed off from your healing feminine spirit?
Will you allow yourself to stay stuck living from survival?
That is one option… one that I hope you will never allow yourself to settle in.
On the other hand…
You could choose right here and now to leave that all behind…
To leave behind the spiral of survival mode and patterns of masculine protection that are keeping you closed off from unleashing your radiant feminine essence.
To finally harmonize the power of your mind and the brilliance of your feminine body and discover the actual path to healing that will give you a whole new lens of life, and…Â
Fill You With Peace.
The decision is yours.
But I hope you will choose the path that leads to this sweet, whole-body-whole-soul kind of peace.
I’m right here by your side. And I’ll stay by your side throughout this entire journey.
Click the button below so we can walk the path to reclaiming peace and inner healing together.
You are NOT broken.
It’s time to feel the freedom of healing.
I know you will as you join me in the Surrender Program.
To reclaiming your feminine spirit,
Paige Lea