Discover the Healing Path to Healthy Love and the Relationship of Your Dreams!

Yes! A healthy relationship IS absolutely possible and we're going to help you get started on this path of healing in 3 simple steps.


Whether you've been together for 20 minutes or 20 years... Whether you want to build a stronger marriage or a brand new partnership... THIS IS FOR YOU!

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Click the button to get access to the 3-step healing process inside this brand-new mini-course!

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You Are NOT Broken!

If You've Ever Craved a Real Path to Healing and the Relationship of Your Dreams, This May Be the Most Import Message You Ever Read.

Dear Friend,

Aren't you tired of feeling stuck and not really knowing why?

Have you ever thought...

"Why can't I be in a healthy relationship?"

"Why can't I find a healthy partner?"

"I'm stuck. I can't have what a want. I can't have a deep relationship."

You're not alone!

But it's time to find the healing you crave!

Healthy relationships ARE absolutely possible.

You really CAN have healthy love and the relationship of your dreams.

You DON'T have to settle.

But here's the key...

The relationships of your dreams ALWAYS begin with YOU!

Sometimes we don't want to look inside.

We may think we're stuck because our partner won't change.

It can be absolutely TERRIFYING to look in the mirror.

But without doing the INDIVIDUAL work, you will stay stuck and always wonder what "might" have been.

You may have fallen into a false narrative and think...

"I have to FIX my marriage!"

This is absolutely FALSE.

Because you CAN'T fix your marriage.

You can only really work on YOU.

The only relationship you need to worry about is your relationship with YOU.

And when you do, when you bring your best self to your relationship, that's when healing begins.

It's not about saving your relationship... it's not about finding the perfect partner... it's now about fixing your partner...

Those paths are hollow. 

We're here to bring you the SIMPLE steps to begin to heal the wounding we ALL possess.

Yes, these steps are simple, but they are NOT easy.

As you follow the 3-step process we're laying out for you here, you absolutely WILL begin the journey to healing.

And we'll be with you at every step of the journey.

Everything you need to get started is inside this 3-step program.



3 Steps to Healthy Relationships

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You Are Ready to Heal and Finally Develop the Relationship of Your Dreams?

This 3-step journey inside this mini-course will teach you everything you need to know to get started on this journey of healing.

You'll discover...

  • What's holding you back from healing.
  • What past trauma really is and how to overcome it.
  • A clear path to healing.

With these tools, you'll begin walking the path to healing and building the relationships you've always wanted.

Here's What's Included In Our All-New "Healing" Course...


Yes, It Really Is Possible For You!

In this introductory lesson, you'll being to see WHY you keep falling into the same kinds of relationships that end up making you feel stuck yet again. You'll discover...

  • How releasing unprocessed trauma from your past unlocks the future of your dreams.
  • The trap most people fall into when seeking healing and how to avoid this hollow substitute for happiness.
  • The REAL definition of a healthy relationship and how you begin achieving it TODAY.

STEP #1: Discover What Is Holding You Back

Often the most difficult part of the healing process is knowing where to start. In this first step, you'll discover...

  • What's keeping you stuck in "protection" mode causing you to never actually achieve healing.
  • Why understanding the elements of healthy masculine and feminine energy in ALL of us (yes, you have BOTH) is so crucial in overcoming the wounds from your past that continue to block your progress.
  • The REAL tragedy happening that keeps you feeling like you're broken and effed up, when in reality, your just a few steps away from the START of a powerful healing process.

STEP #2: The WHY Behind Wounding

We all carry wounds from our past. As you being to understand and become aware of your past wounding, you'll be in the right place to begin the acceptance process, which is key to step 2. Inside this lesson, you'll work towards acceptance by discovering...

  • Why you don't need to heal before you can be in a wonderful, healthy relationship.
  • Myths about personal trauma and how they hold you back from healing.
  • How to engage in "self-healing" instead of staying stuck in "self-protection" mode.
  • How your body and brain work together to heal you, and why most people ignore the crucial role the body brings to the healing process.

STEP #3: HOW To Heal

Now, with the awareness and acceptance of your past wounding, you're ready to learn HOW to find healing. Inside this final lesson, you'll discover...

  • Why it's okay to continue making mistakes as you walk the path of healing.
  • How to get out of your own way and experience the happiness and healing you deserve MUCH faster than most ever do.
  • The conversation you can have with yourself when old wounds come raging back and threaten to undo the healing work you've done up to this point. 

Plus, You'll Get This Helpful "Healing" Workbook...

Inside this supplemental workbook, you'll find...

  • The 10 "Guidelines of Engagement" to help you navigate your relationships.
  • Clear definitions of "wounded energetics" in both the feminine and masculine.
  • Journal prompts to help you integrate what you're learning at each step.

Meet David and Paige Lea of Daring Deeply

Our coaching approach prioritizes individual healing by identifying energetic imbalances living within so that you can experience a relationship of deep love, trust, satisfaction, and connection. We're here to guide you (and, celebrate you) for committing to the courageous journey inward. If you're ready to take the first step towards healing, let's work together to shift outdated perspectives so that you may thrive.

It is an honor to welcome you into our Daring Deeply family.

This Course Is For You If...

  • You feel disconnected from your purpose, values, and self-identity.
  • You have an empty relationship or marriage.

  • You lack deep trust for others, especially your partner.

  • You feel stuck in your life, career, or relationship.

  • You want to dig into personal growth and experience transformational healing.



3 Steps to Healthy Relationships

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If you aren’t completely satisfied with "3 Steps to Healthy Relationships" min-course, you can "qualify" for a full refund within your first 14 days. To qualify for this refund, you need to do the real work of journaling and send us your work. If we see that you've done your best to complete the work and you're STILL unsatisfied, then we will be happy to send you a full refund.

How Long Are You Willing To Wait To Find The Healing You Deserve?

Imagine how wonderful life will feel when your partnership is filled with love, understanding, and mutual respect.

How wonderful will it feel to be seen, to be heard, to be understood and valued for who you are?

Yes, this kind of healing really IS possible!

But you have to make a choice.

You can do what you've always done and continue to get the same results.

You can continue to struggle and "settle" for less in your relationships and live out your life FAR under the level of happiness you deserve NOW.


You can join us inside the "3 Steps to Healthy Relationships" mini-course and begin the healing process TODAY.

With the lessons you'll discover inside this mini-course, and using the workbook and journal prompts, you will quickly begin the path to REAL healing.

And we will be with you at every step of the journey.

If you're ready to FINALLY get the healing and the relationship of your dreams...

Click the button below and let's get started immediately.

There's no time to waste when it comes to your healing and happiness.


David and Paige Lea

Yes! I Want To Start The Path To Healing NOW!